Sample Documents


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Chars Family Daycare

Below is a sample of my contract:

Sick children:

When a child has a fever of 100+ or any episode of diarreah or vomitting they will not be allowed to attend daycare for 24 hours. It is the responsibility of the parents to notify the caregiver if the child will not be attending due to illness. If the child become ill during daycare the parents will be called and must pick up their child/ren within 1 hour.


Time outs and withholding of activites will be utilized when a child shows destructive or unacceptable behaviour.


All meals and snacks will be provided at given times.

Fees:(these can vary)

Fulltime is usually 3 or more days per week -$80.00 per child
A discount is given for 2 or more children enrolling

Partime is less than 3 days per week and under 20 hours each week- $50.00 per child

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